Wednesday, February 21, 2007

"An Inconvenient Truth" (Documentary) (2006) - Movie Review

Images speak so much to wide variety of people where the words may find it difficult to reach. When it comes to motion pictures, the power of media can be so gargantuan that it can shake up the entire world and bring them to the real horrific situation they are residing in. “An Inconvenient Truth” rightly taps the medium of film sticking honestly to the facts. “An Inconvenient Truth” is a documentary directed by Davis Guggenheim which shows the slideshow the former Vice President of United States, Al Gore has been touring around the world explaining that the limit of tolerance has crossed in human civilization with respect to Global Warming and its effect on climate, to get up and act accordingly. The movie edits and connects the slide presentation of Al Gore along with the mode of documentary to bring out the truth of drastic climate changes and its effects.

Mostly the documentary films have a common data laid and the viewers decide on their observations and actions on their own. The ethical and social boundaries of a documentary film is so fragile and contemplative in between portraying and requesting action from the audience that it may sometimes distort the purpose of the film altogether. Al Gore along with Davis Guggenheim walks on the thin line of facts and actions and they come out as torch bearers on this burning out world of ours.

There needs no more further explanation and the common effects of Global Warming on the atmosphere. It has been discussed so many times by so many people and the viewers may tend to think that the movie is overkill. It is true that so many people have discussed this and it is also true that the common effects publicized has also been well aware among the people, but how many of the people have taken it forward into actions? How many really put those things into their day to day life on accomplishing the reduction of releasing less Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere? Very minimal.

The movie rattles the brains of the viewers into that lethargic irresponsible behaviour of us. The way it has been presented clearly indicates the sincerity and the honesty in the outcome of it by the film makers. They do not dwell upon on the political issues but unravel the individual negligence of the truth. The responsibilities brushed up under the carpet of every house placing the immediate good results favouring over the slow and steady death of our planet Earth.

The film uses the right frames to punctuate the emotional and social responsibility of Al Gore being driven for his campaign on saving the Earth. It accelerates as a film while elaborating the in depth details and conclusions drawn upon by the scientists. It plays with the numbers and brings out the harsh reality of the conditional ignorance of the well educated people. The musical score of the film peels off the sensitive layers of human values and principles being butchered submissively and postponing the death of the Earth to our children.

It clearly puts out two definite and brutal reality of human nature; being Selfish and Irresponsible. Selfish with respect to willfully ignoring the facts to sustain our current lifetime while forgetting what we are leaving our children. Irresponsible, with respect to not shouldering the consequences of their actions on damaging the climate due to our sedation and loss of touch with the ambience surrounding us.

“An Inconvenient Truth” uncovers the traces of people’s continuous attitude towards taking things for granted. It shows how most of us take the things lightly as the feel of “single man cannot change the world” effect to cushion into the luxury of ignoring the reality. The movie is an experience and educational while it blatantly shoots our irresponsibility on avoiding the obvious and “An Inconvenient Truth”.

While there may still be skeptics and doubtful personalities questioning the “exaggeration” of the issue, the movie applies universally to all the inhuman things, ironically enough, a human may do to Earth. This movie is appealing not due to the issue it handles but it is the general misconceptions and mistakes the people takes upon to convince them that everything is fine and sane. It is the time for every human being to recognize themselves as the one who does those mistakes. It is time to take responsibility for those and act accordingly. It is time for us to “Wake Up”. If there is a movie which needs to be put as course requirement and take actions to live on this Earth, it should be “An Inconvenient Truth”.

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